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Laa Hawla wa Laa Quwwata Illa Billah..
Barusaja musibah gempa dan tsunami melanda, sekarang giliran Gunung Soputan meletus.
Bahkan abu vulkanik yang dilontarkan setinggi 4 kilometer.
Ya Allah Pertanda Apa Ini?
Gunung Soputan di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, meletus pada Rabu (3/10/2018 pukul 08.47 Wita.
Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugroho menjelaskan, berdasarkan laporan Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) dari Pos Pengamatan Gunung Soputan, tinggi kolom abu vulkanik teramati sekitar 4.000 meter di atas puncak kawah atau 5.809 meter di atas permukaan laut.
"Kolom abu dengan tekanan kuat teramati berwarna kelabu hingga cokelat dengan intensitas tebal condong ke arah barat dan barat laut. Erupsi ini terekam di seismogram dengan amplitudo maksimum 39 mm dan durasi sekitar 6 menit," kata Sutopo dalam siaran pers, Rabu.
Sutopo menyebutkan, hujan abu vulkanik diperkirakan jatuh di daerah di barat-barat laut Gunung Soputan.
"BPBD masih melakukan pemantauan. Belum ada laporan dampak letusan Gunung Soputan. BPBD membagikan masker kepada masyarakat," kata Sutopo.
Saat ini, Gunung Soputan berada pada Status Level III (Siaga).
Sutopo mengimbau masyarakat agar tidak beraktivitas di seluruh area di dalam radius 4 kilometer dari puncak Gunung Soputan.
Masyarakat juga diimbau tidak masuk ke area perluasan sektoral ke arah barat-barat daya sejauh 6,5 km dari puncak Soputan.
Sebab, daerah itu merupakan kawasan bukaan kawah untuk menghindari potensi ancaman guguran lava maupun awan panas.
"Masyarakat di sekitar Gunung Soputan dianjurkan agar menyiapkan masker penutup hidung dan mulut guna mengantisipasi potensi bahaya gangguan saluran pernapasan jika terjadi hujan abu," ucap Sutopo, seperti dilansir dari
Warga juga diminta mewaspadai potensi ancaman aliran lahar yang dapat terjadi setelah terjadinya erupsi.
Material erupsi bisa terbawa oleh air, terutama pada sungai-sungai yang berhulu di sekitar lereng Gunung Soputan, seperti Sungai Ranowangko, Lawian, Popang, dan Sungai Londola Kelewahu.
"Masyarakat diimbau untuk tetap tenang. Ikuti semua rekomendasi PVMBG. Pos pengamatan Gunung Soputan terus memantau aktivitas vulkanik. Masyarakat belum perlu mengungsi karena masih aman. Di dalam radius 4 km tidak ada permukiman. Jadi masih aman," tutupnya.
Bencana silih berganti, seperti tak ada henti. Ada apa dengan diri kita hingga Allah begitu murka?
Ya Allah, kami mohon ampun kepadaMu.
Tidak ada kuasa bagi hamba untuk menolak kejelekan dan tidak ada kekuatan untuk meraih kebaikan selain dengan kuasaMu.
Jika bencana ini merupakan hukuman atas perbuatan kami, izinkan kami bertaubat, izinkan kami kembali kejalanMu ya Allah.
Auto insurance is inescapable and everybody knows that if they buy a car or any other vehicle, then they must also buy the automobile insurance. It is the rule. However, while seeking an auto insurance policy may seem easy, but sometimes finding affordable auto insurance is not.
A basic car insurance called as the Limited Tort insurance, like many cheap insurance companies covers only the basic parts and is, in most of the cases, just sufficiently enough to maintain a car street legal. However if the insured car is met with an accident, then a partial amount of money is paid out after some deduction is paid by the customer.
This partial amount provides for the medical insurance and other property damages. But, a cap is kept on the sum and anything more amounts that must be paid goes out of the hands of the insured person. Plus, this kind of policy restricts a Limited Tort insurance holder from suing for suffering and pain and other kinds of damages which would be covered under the liability policy.
A Liability policy provides coverage for the intangibles, including the suffering and pain and also any other damages which are not covered by the central insurance policy kept by the insured. Plus, the liability insurance will provide coverage to the damages caused by an uninsured or an underinsured motorist in a few cases. In other situations, a different policy is required to provide coverage for these damages. A full coverage is another kind of the policy which covers almost everything including the property damage, liability, uninsured, underinsured, bodily harm, and more things. This cover costs a lot; however, these prices can be decreased by paying for a higher deduction.
In some situations, such as whenever a driver is caught for speeding his vehicle or any other traffic violation, a warning is provided and then the driver must give an SR-22 within 2 days. This is a case which no driver wishes to get caught in, because it can turn into an expensive bother which is difficult to settle. In later eventFree Reprint Articles, an auto insurance proof is required very commonly.
To obtain the auto insurance at low prices you can buy auto insurance online since many companies offer high prices personally. You can access information on the internet about the kinds of the auto insurance rates available and can also compare the rates offered by the different companies. It is not so difficult to get your vehicle insured.